Obagi blue peel is a relatively simple and quick procedure designed to improve health, texture, and pigmentation of the skin. It provides its rejuvenating effects of the skin by removing superficial layers of skin. It is used to treat blemishes, scars, wrinkles, pigmentation and sun damage on the face or other body parts.
It is controlled depth peel so the side effects of peel (redness swelling, burn, scars) are very rare with this peel.
Peeling procedure in Obagi blue peel involves a set of steps which is predetermined so every time results are almost guaranteed and more overdue to control depth you can stop the procedure at the desired level. It contains a blue base which not only allows the doctor to see the clinical signs for the adequate effectiveness of the peel but also ensures that every area should be covered uniformly to have maximum effect. After doing the peel, depending on the strength skin exfoliates for 4 to 7 days. After exfoliation new skin without blemishes and pigmentation appear. Acne scars also respond very nicely.
Side effects
- include mild burning sensation during peel application and redness.
- exfoliation off skin
- swelling (very rare)
- Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (rarely)
- strict sun protection
- Sunscreen use
- priming of the face before peeling is essential.